Overcoming Five Common HR Challenges

HR managers are responsible for ensuring the right candidates get recruited for a position in the company. This means scouting candidates, conducting interviews, and onboarding them to ensure they feel welcomed in the workplace culture.

They develop the company culture by managing all employee-related processes so the business runs smoothly. With these come multiple challenges related to handling a diverse workforce as it’s not easy handling human resources.

Let’s look at the most common challenges HR managers face today and how to overcome them:

1.      Keeping employees engaged in their work:

Employee engagement is crucial for any business to ensure great results. A disengaged employee is a liability for the business as they fail to work to the best of their abilities. Especially in the pandemic, it has been very challenging for HR managers to keep employees engaged because of the isolation.

To prevent this and engage employees, HR managers need to make sure employees’ concerns are heard and addressed. It is important to appreciate employees for their work and offer rewards to make them feel a valuable part of the organization.

2.      Ensuring employees participate in L&D activities:

HR managers are supposed to dedicate resources for employee learning so they have ample opportunities to expand their skill set. But for an employee to gain any value from a training program, they must be willing to participate in the program.

To overcome this challenge, HR managers must bring L&D pros onboard to understand employee learning needs and create online courses that fulfill these needs. It is very convenient to deliver these courses through digital tools such as Absorb training tool. This is because Absorb LMS allows employees to learn from anywhere at their own pace and this convenience can induce excitement among them.

3.      Attracting fresh talent:

Finding the right employee is the most important responsibility of an HR manager, as well as the biggest challenge. This requires an in-depth understanding of the position to be filled and the skills that are required to excel in that role.

In order to overcome this challenge, HR managers need to advertise the vacancy on the right platforms and thoroughly screen the applicants to see if they are a good fit for the organization. It is best to first conduct a virtual interview as it saves a lot of time and money for both the company and the applicant.

4.      Retaining employees:

A business spends a significant amount hiring and training employees. Losing a high potential employee would be a huge loss for any business. But it is not always possible to match what the competition is offering to retain employees, which is where HR managers struggle.

Employee retention must start from the day an employee joins the workforce. This means giving them the right onboarding experience and offering performance-based incentive programs. This will keep them motivated and encourage them to keep performing well.

5.      Leadership development:

Employees don’t leave jobs, they leave their bosses. This is why it is crucial to train the right people for leadership roles. It is a huge challenge finding the right employees for leadership positions and moulding them to be the future of the business.

This becomes easier when you look for employees who are dedicated and do not hesitate from doing things outside of their job profile. Creating opportunities for employees to showcase their commitment to the organization and display their strengths is a great way to find the right people who you can actively invest in.


Today’s workplace is evolving with lightning speed. With employees shifting to remote work policy, it’s become even more difficult for HR managers to manage a dispersed workforce. Use these tips to understand & overcome these common challenges and keep your resources happy.

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