How to Make a Minecraft Server with Hamachi Easily

Minecraft is one of the people’s favorite games where anyone can enjoy the game regardless of their ages. I personally never played one because my PC is quite low-spec for this square-pixel game. I already upgraded my PC, but I have to earn more money again so I can buy the game.

How to make a Minecraft server with Hamachi? It is quite a hard topic to discuss since I never played once. However, I will try to explain it from what I know based on my research through the internet. Well, hopefully, I won’t make any mistakes, especially on the Mac version one because I also never used Apple’s products.

Well, Hamachi is actually a VPN software, and there are a lot of people who use it. The full name is LogMeIn Hamachi. Why do people use a VPN to make a Minecraft server? Well, the Hamachi Minecraft server is quite different because you can create a Minecraft server and play it with friends through LAN connection. It says that it was the best feature, but I don’t know since I never played Minecraft once. So, because of that, in this article, we will talk about making a Hamachi Minecraft server.

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Creating your own Minecraft Server with Hamachi for both Windows and Mac:

The very first step before we try to make a Minecraft server with Hamachi is to download the Hamachi first. If you want to open your very own server, go to the

Creating your own Minecraft Server with Hamachi for both Windows and Mac

It will direct you to the LogMeIn’s Hamachi site. After that, you press download. You can download Hamachi for both Windows OS and Mac OS.

After you download it, then open the downloaded file. It is an installation of Hamachi. Your first step of how to make a Minecraft server with Hamachi has begun. Hamachi Minecraft server is simple to make if I reread the source on how to make one.

For Hamachi’s installation on Windows, just follow the instructions. Blindly, I will go for Next, Next, Agree, install, Finish, and finish. If storage is the problem, you can set it to a different directory. Just remember, if the installation asked you for terms and agreements, just checklist the checkbox.

For Hamachi’s installation on Mac, I’m a bit doubtful. I never used any Apple product before. However, it is similar to Windows, but the difference is the source mentioned that you have to enter your Mac Password if you want to download and install Hamachi. Quite complicated for me.

After you install Hamachi, then you have to download the server on the internet. Just go to the After that, click on the hyperlinked text minecraft_server.1.15.2.jar to download the server.

download the minecraft java edition server

It is a Java Edition server, so it will require you the latest update of Minecraft and Java. So, make sure that you have updated both Minecraft and Java before you download the server.

How to Make a Hamachi Minecraft Server for Windows:

After you installed and downloaded the server, then open the server file. It consists of so many files, and you have to find a “pack” file. There are “Eula = False” words inside that file. After you find it, then change “Eula = False” to “Eula = True.” All you have to do is to wait for the server file unpacked so you can proceed to your own Hamachi Minecraft server.

Hamachi Minecraft Server Setup for Mac:

Most of the instructions are basically the same as Windows. You have to open and unload the Minecraft server folder, so it will unpack all important files. Then, the same as before, find and change “Eula = False” to “Eula = True.” After that, let the Hamachi Minecraft server proceed with the loading.

Configure Your Own LogMeIn Hamachi LAN Server for Minecraft:

Alright, both Hamachi and the Minecraft server have been installed on your PC. Then, you can begin your configuration to set your Minecraft server with LogMeIn’s Hamachi. Open the LogMeIn’s Hamachi application, and click the Network tab on the menu. In this part, you have to enter your LogMeIn’s account that consists of your Login ID and Password.

Click “Create a new network” right after you logged in. The application will ask for your ID and Password again. Then, fill the required details by checking your Hamachi Minecraft server network ID. After that, complete the configuration. On the How to Make a Minecraft server with Hamachi article source, it mentioned that you shouldn’t forget to paste your Hamachi’s IP and rename the “server properties” text file. Then, invite your friends to join your Hamachi network.

Become The Host Of The Game:

You have to make sure that your Hamachi Minecraft server is working properly. It is a necessary step before you open your own server as the host.

From the single-player game, just open the Minecraft game and select the single-player mode. Then press the Esc button and find yourself the LAN button on the options menu. After that, you can distribute the 5 digits of port numbers to your friends in the Hamachi network. Hamachi has its own chat windows, so you can distribute it there, or you can try other chatting platforms, such as Discord. I personally love Discord, though. You can go voice-chat with your friends there.

From the Multi-player game, you can do it from the main menu without entering the game. Just click the Multiplayer option, and click Add a Server. You can go and click the Direct Connect option too. Then you should copy your Hamachi IPv4 address along with the 5 digits of port numbers since you’re the host, then you paste it on the Add a Server or Direct Connect. And then, join the server. You can also do this as a client player if your friend is the one who hosted their own Minecraft server with Hamachi.

Hamachi Minecraft LAN Server Bug Fixing

Bugs are always confusing me. However, thank goodness that this isn’t programming stuff. If you find a problem with your LAN Hamachi Minecraft server. You can always go to the nearby Minecraft forum for the solution. They usually share some similar problems with you, so follow their instructions.

As for the conclusion, how to make a Minecraft server with Hamachi is simple. A Hamachi Minecraft Server is for LAN gameplay. Just download the Hamachi and the server. After that, follow the instructions I explained above. Then, invite your friend through by sending them your 5 digits port numbers. If you meet a problem, then go to the Minecraft forum for the solution. You can find a similar problem, or make a thread about your problem.

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